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Welcome. Please feel free to browse through the galleries at your leisure and leave a comment if you feel inclined to do so. Leaving your comment will always be very much appreciated. To check the exif data hover over over the top right hand corner of the gallery image (not thumbnail image), or click on Info. To enlarge image click on the gallery image.
This website is a "work in progress" I hope you enjoy looking at the images as much as I have enjoyed taking them.
Want to get into street photography? Buy my E-Book HERE for Apple or HERE for PC. I would recommend buying the E-PUB version for PC and downloading the Chrome READIUM extension to read the book seamlessly without issues. It's what I use out of preference for all my E-PUB files. Enjoy!
The dreaded legal stuff:
Please observe and respect my copyright material, including and without limitation, the text, artwork, images, video material and audio-visual material on this website. Images and relevant text are owned by Keith Towers – Isle of Wight, and other aspects of this website belongs to the licensor. Prints that may be on offer from this website are sold for personal display purposes only. Reproduction rights are not granted or implied, and the photographer (Keith Towers) retains full copyright of all printed images purchased for individual (or corporate) use. Ownership of a printed image from this website does not constitute ownership of copyright, or imply the right to any other usage beyond personal and private display. Please contact the copyright owner to discuss the possibility of ‘licensing usage rights’ for any other purpose you have in mind other than for the purpose/s stated here. Courtesy counts! Failure to observe copyright law will always result in legal action.